Frequently Asked Questions

Who do you SERVE?

Our desire is to unite with community youth sports organizations, other organizations, schools, businesses and churches.  We focus on a wide variety of sports (soccer, football, cheerleading, baseball, softball, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, swimming, etc).  We service recreational and competitive leagues consisting of youth, high school and college athletes.

What is your OBJECTIVE?

Our objective is unite with community sports organizations in an effort to use sports as a classroom setting to model, instill and teach important values to student-athletes.  Our desire is to assist community sports organizations by providing a framework where athletes can learn valuable life lessons through sports which will enable them to reach their full potential on and off the field.

What is the purpose of your WORKSHOPS?

Our live informational and inspirational interactive workshops were designed to encourage and motivate youth, high school and college sports leaders, coaches and parents to “Leave A Lasting Impression” by creating a sports culture where student-athletes are able to develop important character traits through participation in sports.  Our workshops focus on Coaching Legacy’s coaches seven core values, along with our competitor’s seven core values.


As a Presenter, JT The Mentor Coach has presented over 1000 workshops in 21 different states in the U.S.  As a former Lead Trainer, JT was highly sought after (requested) to facilitate workshops.  He brings a passion for youth, a wealth of knowledge in the area of youth development, personal experience as a high school three-sport student athlete and college athlete, 15 years of coaching experience including coaching his own son.


Coaching Legacy’s primary focus is to leave a lasting impression where kids look back at their athletes experience as a fun, positive experience where they were able to develop lasting friendships, fond memories and learned important life lessons.  If you want this type of experience for your kids, Coaching Legacy is for you.  A few of the challenges we address:

a.  The win-at-all coach

b.  The coach whose resistant to change

c.  The parent living vicariously through their child

d.  The overbearing parent

e.  The organization focused on their mission

f.   The organization needing assistance meeting their mission

g.  The organization in transition

What are the steps to BRING Coaching Legacy to MY COMMUNITY?

Once you unite with Coaching Legacy, you will work with a representative to have Coaching Legacy come to your community.  We will work together to determine the date and time in order to get the best attendance.  Workshops are best attended weekday evenings and/or weekend days.  Our workshop times ranges from 90 minutes to two hours, excluding the 30 minute Pep Talks.  We ask that organizations secure a venue ranging from a school classroom to a multi-purpose room depending on expected attendance.

What is the COST to unite with Coaching Legacy?

Coaching Legacy’s fees take into consideration the location and the specific needs of the organization.  We are highly competitive in our pricing and are committed to providing you with the most valuable experience for your buck.  To request that a Coaching Legacy representative contact you regarding pricing information, please CLICK HERE.